Massachusetts has etched an enduring mark on the film industry, providing a captivating backdrop for numerous cinematic gems. From crime thrillers to heartwarming tales, the Bay State’s diverse landscapes have set the stage for unforgettable stories. As film and video production companies in Massachusetts flourish, these top 10 movies shot in the state offer us invaluable inspiration, showcasing the varied settings the region has to offer.

  1. The Departed (2006): Martin Scorsese’s crime thriller, “The Departed,” remains a touchstone for filmmakers, skillfully utilizing Boston’s urban landscapes to create a compelling atmosphere. Watch “The Departed”
  2. Good Will Hunting (1997): Written and starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, “Good Will Hunting” perfectly captures the juxtaposition of the cultural vibe of Cambridge, embodying the spirit of the state’s academic prowess, and the working-class neighborhood feel of South Boston. Watch “Good Will Hunting”
  3. The Town (2010): Ben Affleck’s crime drama, “The Town,” takes viewers on a thrilling ride through Boston’s neighborhoods, providing inspiration for high-energy and suspenseful content produced by video production companies in the area. Watch “The Town”
  4. Jaws (1975): While not entirely shot in Massachusetts, Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” filmed key scenes on Martha’s Vineyard, showcasing the state’s stunning coastal landscapes. It’s one of the top two things Chappaquiddick is famous for! Watch “Jaws”
  5. Mystic River (2003): Clint Eastwood’s “Mystic River” delves into Boston’s neighborhoods to explore crime, friendship, and redemption, offering inspiration for emotionally resonant storytelling. Watch “Mystic River”
  6. The Social Network (2010): “The Social Network,” directed by David Fincher, includes scenes shot at Harvard University in Cambridge, providing a chance to highlight the state’s academic and technological achievements. Watch “The Social Network”
  7. Spotlight (2015): “Spotlight” authentically depicts the Boston Globe’s investigation into the Catholic Church’s cover-up of child abuse, with real locations adding depth to its storytelling. Watch “Spotlight”
  8. The Fighter (2010): “The Fighter” showcases the working-class neighborhoods of Lowell, Massachusetts, providing a raw and authentic portrayal for our video production companies seeking to capture local communities. Watch “The Fighter”
  9. The Proposal (2009): With CG mountains painted in the background, Massachusetts’ North Shore communities of Beverly, Rockport, Manchester by the Sea, and others make convincing doubles of Sitka, Alaska in Disney’s “The Proposal,” starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Watch “The Proposal”
  10. Gone, Baby, Gone (2007): Making his third appearance in our top 10, this time as a director, Ben Affleck brings us “Gone, Baby, Gone,” a gripping crime drama set in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood, drawing inspiration from real locations for an authentic narrative. Watch “Gone, Baby, Gone”
  • While not a real and actual film, Seth Myers’ “Boston Accent” remains our all-time favorite spoof of these films and is required viewing for every member of the Massachusetts Video Production Collective.

Massachusetts continues to be a cinematic playground, offering our video production companies a diverse range of settings to bring our projects to life. Drawing inspiration from these top 10 movies shot in the state, our creators can capture the essence of Massachusetts, adding a unique and authentic touch to their storytelling.

View our portfolio to see some of our own filmmakers’ work shot in Massachusetts!